Un atardi yena cu informacion riba tur topico den UAUCU 2022 Symposium na Universidad di Aruba

Un atardi yena cu informacion riba tur topico den UAUCU 2022 Symposium na Universidad di Aruba

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Mescos cu a pasa den pasado, studiantenan di Universidad di Aruba y esnan di University College Utrecht (UCU) di Utrecht University, a haci un investigacion empirico riba y encuanto Aruba pa nan investigacion di tesis.

   Mescos cu e studiantenan prome cu nan, nan a defini nan mesun principio di guia y meta pa nan participacion den e proyecto, y e ideanan aki a refleha nan speranzanan di traha den formanan cu por ta significante pa otronan, como tambe pa nan mes.

   Pesey riba Diabierna atardi, nan a tene e UAUCU 2022 Symposium na Aruba, unda den e simposio publico aki, e studiantenan a comparti nan conclusionnan preliminar cu comunidad Arubiano, den presentacionnan Pecha Kucha y un sesion di poster.  E simposio tabata pa esnan presente, y a wordo transmiti online tambe.

   E biaha aki, prome nan a cuminza cu Sesion di Presentacion, unda Milena Stoilova a duna su presentacion encuanto: “Sustainable tourism in Aruba: a myth or reality?  A case study from the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort.”  Despues Kiara Röhrs kende a presenta: “Remembering the Coast: Assessing the coastline and coastal changes on Aruba by using volunteered geographic information (VGI).

   Tambe a sigui cu presentacion di Carlotta M. Henning cu: “Learning to play it by ear: Understanding barriers to public participation in urban planning in Aruba”.  Despues Karlijn van der Loo a sigui cu su presentacion: “If the Ship Stops Sailing: How can food sovereignity in Aruba be protected in public policy and developed as a notion in international human rights law?”

   Despues di e prome sesion ey, a sigui cu e Poster Session.  Aki e studiante Lynn Smeets a presenta: “Impacting the island’s future: an insight into the effect of perceived efficacy of young Arubans on their civic and political engagement in environmental action”.  Tambe Maro A. Savvides a presenta: “Communicating the Geologic History of Aruba: Contextualizing Gold and Incorporating Human Activity as a Geologic Force.”

   Joao Wendrich Teixeira a presenta: “Winds of change in Aruba: a Push for the return of higher Biodiversity”.  E studiante Tracy van der Biezen a presenta: “How citizen science can contribute to Aruba’s SDG indicators: Creating a framework for meta-analysis.”

   E studiante Endy Brooks a presenta: “SIDS vertical farming: water- and energy assessment on Albion strawberry production in Aruba”.  E studiante Nigel de Cuba a presenta: “The challenges of implementing circularity in the flow of waste tires on Aruba.”

   Studiante Alejandra Moreno a presenta: “Food security perceived by Aruban households”. Armand Kelly a presenta: “Electrification of airside equipment at Aruba Airport Authority”.

   Despues di tur esey a bolbe cu e sesion di Presentacion.  Aki studiante Rachel Nel a presenta: “Fostering community stewardship: The role of sense of place in participation in environmental initiatives”.  Studiante Sophia Klaußner a presenta: “Water = Water, right?  Comparing wetlands on the island of Aruba to determine influences of wastewater effluents on the water quality of a wetland area”.

   Laura Mathieu a presenta: “Breaking Unevenly: Community Response to Environmental Injustice.  A case study of Aruba’s Landfill and the Parkietenbos community”.  E studiante Michel Frank a presenta: “Citizen science, a tool to fill the plastic waste data gap in Aruba”.

   Finalmente studiante Daniel Balutowski a presenta: “Brown Tides: Assessing the Past, Present & Future State of Sargassum in Aruba.”  Studiante Eric Mijts a presenta: “Virtual island tour and preliminary book launch”.