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Anthony Neville Richardson

“Goodbyes are not forever and not the end

It simply means we’ll miss you until we meet again”

 It is with sorrow in our hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, brother, and son

Anthony Neville Richardson Sunrise: February 4th, 1956 Sunset: February 27th, 2022 


Alexandra Richardson-Stephens 


Indra and Lee Robinson-Richardson Marc and Yilma Richardson-Marchan 


Yamilet Richardson Inara Robinson Naylet Richardson Ajani Robinson



Nyrobia (Nini) Ramou and daughter Armaly Wederfoort 


Odette Richardson-Haze

†Cornelius Josephus Richardson 


Rupert Richardson & family in Curaçao Esther van Spaandonk-Richardson & family

Claudius Richardson & family in the Netherlands Daniel Richardson & family

Emilio Richardson & family

†Pedro Richardson

Juan Richardson & family in Curaçao

†Jenifer Richardson

Cheryl Richardson & family Marilyn Richardson & family 

Nieces and nephews

Xavier & Jemal Richardson, Stefan & Brian van Spaandonk, Raoul, Camille & Angelo Richardson, Natalie Richardson, Kevin, Gregory, Tammy & Kimberley Richardson, Micheline Reemnet, Sergio, Ruben & Gideon Richardson, Wendy Groeneveldt, †Sharon Reemnet, Sander & Solange Noordzij 

Great nephews and nieces too numerous to mention. 

On behalf of family Richardson, Stephens, Robinson, Marchan, Beyde, Jones, Winter, van Spaandonk, Oomen, Illis, Ramou, Wederfoort, Tromp, Reemnet,

Schermers, Groeneveldt, Noordzij, Friday, Mac Janet, Midi, Nicolaas, Winklaar we invite neighbors,

friends & acquaintances to the funeral service that will be held on Friday March 4th, 2022, from 2- 4 pm at Pray Funeral Home,

leaving for Sabana Basora Cemetery after. 

We regret that after the funeral we will not be receiving any condolences at home.

 Anthony Neville Richardson