Parada a finalisa te 8:30 pm
- TOB y tambe Champagne cu fabuloso massa
- Luho y detaye cu yen precision den tur costume
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Diadomingo pa exactamente 10’or di mainta, e Parada Gigantesco di Carnaval 70 na Playa a cuminza, y di comienso caba por a sinti cu esaki ta bira uno mahestuoso hamas bisto.
Segun conteo di Polis, den e parada tabatin 4.100 participante, sin conta tur e miembronan di grupo musical, boluntarionan den Bar, riba caminda, y personal di security.
Premio di Grupo di Aña a bay pa TOB Carnival Group. Banda di Aña a bira Tsunami. Banda Carnavalesco di Aña a bira Buleria. Brassband di Aña a bira Massive Brassband.
Premio di Massa Ambiente pa Empire Carnival Group. Premio di Massa Luhoso pa TOB Carnival Group. Premio di Massa Campeon pa Champagne Carnival Group.
Seccion Campeon a bay: (1) Enigma of the Skies (Dushi). (2) The Seven Colored Earth of Chamarel (TOB), (3) Rumberas & Cuertas (OPC), (4) The Women King (TOB), y (5) King & Queens Ruby (Champagne).
Seccion Luhoso a bay: (1) Enigma of the Skies (Dushi), (2) Sovereigns of the Emeralds (Champagne), (3) The Forbidden Gems (Champagne), (4) King & Queens Ruby (Champagne), y (5) The Seven Colored Earth of Chamarel (TOB).
Queen of Bands a bira: The Moroccon Tapestry Weaver of Tinchir, Jennifer Nicolaas (TOB).
King of Bands a bira: The Handwork Master, Ryon Dijkhoff (TOB).
Flota Campeon a bira: Peridot (Champagne).
Carosa Campeon a bira: (1) Aruba (Royal), (2) Africana (TOB), y (3) Mandala (Infinity).
Carosa Luhoso a bira: (1) Wind Creek (Empire), (2) Africana (TOB), (3) Mysteries of Africa (TOB).
Bodyroad Luhoso a bira: Power of the Sunlight, Andy Mendez (Dushi).
Shoulderpiece Luhoso a bira: (1) The Jewel & Spice Merchant’s Daughter, Arnalda Lampe (TOB). (2) The Exotic Aviary, Indira Oliviera (Empire), (3) Honoring Africa’s Environmental Defenders (Roderick Kock) (TOB).
Shoulderpiece Campeon a bira: (1) Wakanda ‘Dora Milaje’, Rachel Murray (TOB). (2) Honoring Africa’s Environmental Defenders, Roderick Kock (TOB).
Bodypiece Campeon a bira: (1) The Handwork Master, Ryon Dijkhoff (TOB). (2) T’Chala Black Panther, Ryner Maduro, TOB.
Bodypiece Luhoso a bira: (1) The Spice Trader of the Souk of Marrakech, Shelby Maduro (TOB). (2) The Handwork Master, Ryon Dijkhoff (TOB). (3) The Vase Merchant of the Souk of Marrakech, Nicole Croes-Nicolaas (TOB).
Mini Roadpiece Campeon a bira: (1) Queen of Mojitos (OPC), (2) King of Morocco (Infinity), (3) Queen of Morocco (Infinity).
Mini Roadpiece Luhoso a bira: (1) Emerald Goddess (Champagne). (2) Queen of Mojitos (OPC), (3) Ruby King & Queens (Champagne).
Roadpiece Campeon a bira: (1) Zulu Kingdom (TOB). (2) Alkebulan Pride (TOB). (3) Cuba in Aruba (OPC).
Roadpiece Luhoso a bira: (1) Zulu Kingdom (TOB). (2) Crystal Quartz (Champagne). (3) Majesty of Morocco (Infinity).
Premio di Service Bar a bay pa Hennessy (Royal). Premio Inovativo a bay pa Bar Hennessy (Royal). Premio incentivo a bay pa Colors Carnival Group. Premio Creativo a bay pa Alkebulan (TOB). Premio Cultural a bay pa TOB. Premio Comercial a bay pa Seccion Hennessy. Best Roadshow a bay pa Hennessy Dancers (Royal).
Dancing King a bira Elroj Geerman (Empire). Dancing Queen a bira Erialda Croes (Champagne).
E prome grupo a yega e final pa 4:46 pm, y pa 8:33 pm, e last lap anima pa Musical Time a yega su final.