

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/diario18/public_html/images/Filomena College Mavo ta felicita Suemilienne Winklaar


There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/Filomena College Mavo ta felicita Suemilienne Winklaar

Filomena College Mavo ta felicita Suemilienne Winklaar, Aleysha Macea y e team di Volleyball

Filomena College Mavo ta felicita Suemilienne Winklaar, Aleysha Macea y e team di Volleyball

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Recientemente atletanan di Filomena College MAVO a logra medayanan importante den torneonan nacional y internacional.


E prome ta Suemillienne Winklaar cu a participa na e

Ranking tournament Dijon Tennis jr doubles.

Suemilienne Winklaar y su compañero Jonathan Quandus a logra e medaya di oro na Aruba Racket Club.


Den e deporte di Taekwondo, e atleta  Aleysha Macea di Tiger Taekwondo Academy a logra e medaya di zilver den e Costa Rica open Junior Cadet P2,   2023.


Durante di e weganan escolar 2023, tambe Filomena College ta orguyoso di nos team cu a logra e medaya di zilver. Man of the match tawata Antoine Piña. Un pabien ta bay na nos muchanan y tambe meneer Roan Petronia y Keanu Rivers pa e guia y entusiasmo unico durante e aña escolar aki.

 {gallery}Filomena College Mavo ta felicita Suemilienne Winklaar, Aleysha Macea y e team di Volleyball{/gallery}