George Franklin John “Franckie”

George Franklin John “Franckie”

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

- Psalm 23:1,4-5

We are sorry to say that recently passed

George Franklin John “Franckie”

* San Nicolaas, 25-10-1948 † Schiedam, 28-07-2021 Son of :

Charles Christopher John † & Jeanne Eleonore Richardson †

We will miss our loving husband, great father and sweet grandfather, our brother and our friend. May he be at a better place. We are thankful for all the loving memories he gave us.

Wife: Gweneth Lewis-John

Children & Grandchildren:


Amani †

Doeska & Axel

Dashanto, Di-Jhairo, Miroeskia, I-Amara, Daesjohn


Keylaisja, Jaymairo

Stefan †

Forsja & Rick

Brothers & Sisters: August John †, Alex John (CUR), Edward John (AUA), Charles John (NL), Patricio John (AUA), Shirley John (NL), Thelma John (CUR)


Franckie will be buried on Tuesday the 3th August at the Crooswijk cemetery, Kerkhoflaan 1, Rotterdam.

The ceremony starts at 1.30 pm, the funeral will start around 2.30 pm. There will be a livestream available for people who can’t make it, and for guests who have to stay outside. It is possible to say goodbye to Franckie on Friday the 30th July or Saturday the 31th July from 12.00 pm till 15.00 pm. Franckie is staying at Voorstraat 23, Den Bommel.

Correspondence address: Vlaardingerdijk 125, 3117EH Schiedam