“Take care of #1”
With deep sorrow, but also in celebration of his life,
we announce the passing of:
Mr. Juan Angel Perez y Camy
Affectionately known as “Don Juan”
*January 4th 1931 - †January 29th 2025
Left to mourn are his:
†Yolanda Romney-Perez y Camy
Achilles Perez
Angel Adonis Perez
Deirdre Castellanos
Juana Jozefa and Children
Grecia Perez
Alexis Perez
Gianna Castellanos
Ralph Castellanos Jr.
Ileana Castellanos
Brother and Sisters:
†Mercedes Birsby
†Hilda Birsby
Modesta “Constancia” Birsby
Earl Wilson
Tientje Arrindell
Cecilia “Pitty” Williams
†Herminia Rendon
Darlene Birsby
†David Rendon
Jimmy Rendon
Adonis Kemp
Gino Kemp
Carlito Birsby
Angelo Viotty
Sisters in-law:
Digna Sherengo
Gertudis Rendon
Patricia Supriana
Marisol Nieves
Like a special daughter:
Vanesa Lara & her mom Flor Maldonado
Mila Martinus
Gloria Hernandez
Xiomara Rasmijn and Family
Close friends:
Elena Martinus
Darryl Martinus
Glen & Julie and the rest of the Geerman Family
Special friends:
Karen Lytle
Tony Winston Gayle
Horothby “Bob” Cabrera
His Caregivers:
James Williams
Marcos Noa
We invite all families, friends and acquaintances to accompany us
at the cremation service which will take place on
Monday February 3rd, 2025 from 7:00 Pm till 9:00 Pm at Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium.
In our grief we might have forgotten to mention some names of family and friends,
we sincerely apologize for this omission.
Please respect our wish to not receive houseguests after the cremation service.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home
extend their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family.