Linda Maria Celestine

Linda Maria Celestine

Let everything that awaits me be beautiful

Let everything that I encounter on the way be beautiful

Let everything that surrounds me be beautiful

Let everything I leave behind remain beautiful

And let these end in all their beauty

It is with profound sadness and deepest sorrow

that we announce the passing of our beloved

Sister, Aunt, Great Aunt, Grandmother, Great grandmother. 

Linda Maria Celestine

Sunrise: December 13th 1952

Sunset: February 26th 2025 

Left to mourn her loss: 


Veronica Celestine and Father: † Francis Celestine

Life Long Partner:
Alvin Emilio van Putten


Cathrine and Eric and Family
Jeanette Brooks and Michael Scott and Family
Ericson Brooks and Giselle Gomes and Family

Grand children:

Araphax Martus
Erica Barry
Shamila Barry
Shaquille Barry
Samantha Pierre


Arlyn Martus

God daughter:

Beverly Akins 

Brothers and Sisters:

Derick Celestine and Family in Dominica
Frances Flanders and Family in Aruba
Juliana Celestine and Family
Horris Celestine and Family in St. Maarten
Marylou St. Rose and Family in Dominica 

Nieces, nephews, grand- nephews too numerous to mention in Aruba and Dominica.

And her beloved neighbors and friends in Sabana Basora, Post Chickto.

Related to:

Celestine, James, Brooks, Barry, Scott, Gomes, Flanders,

Charles Marthus, Pierre, Van Putten, Akins, Loefstop,

Ridderstaat, Jones, Van Loon, Howell, Hose, Diaz, Gumbs.

Special thanks to Zorg met Liefde te huis and Cas Amilia for their care towards our mother.

The Funeral Service will take place on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

from 9:00 Am till 11:00 Am at Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium in San Nicolas.

Afterwards, her body will be laid to rest in the Sabana Basora Cemetery.

Please accept our apologies if we accidently have forgotten anyone.

We apologize that after the funeral service we will not be accepting condolences at home.

Staff and Management of Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium

extend their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family.