Jessica Dacasin Funcion

Jessica Dacasin Funcion

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul:

he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 

Psalm 23 

With great sorrow but grateful for everything he did for us,

we announce the passing of:

Jessica Dacasin Funcion

*11-05-1964 - †16-11-2021 

Left to mourn are her:


Ronilo Funcion


Rechelle Dacasin Funcion

Rhonna D. Funcion

Rojie D. Funcion 

Family of Dacasin:  

Maria Glory Dacasin

Renato Dacasin

Ricardo Dacasin

Ramil Dacasin

 Family of Funcion:   

Nemia F. Funcion

Melodia F. Funcion

Raul F. Funcion

Robert F. Funcion

Delaila F. Funcion

Hugo F. Funcion

Marissa F. Funcion 

Family of Flores, Funcion, Dacasin.

 Masha danki na La Cabana Beach Resort and Casino. Colleagues and Friends 

Friends: Ruby, Flor, Hilda, Tre Tre, Rose, Rowgan, Hector, Lya, Nail, Mercy, Consul Ami Henriquez Mendoza

and to Unifilcoa and all that I might have forget to mention. 

Masha masha danki. 

Cremation service will be held on Thursday December 9th, 2021 at Aurora Funeral Home from 7 to 9 pm