Ivan Augustin Arndell

Ivan Augustin Arndell

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:

he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths

of righteousness for his name's sake.

Psalm 23

With deep sorrow in our hearts,

we are announcing the passing of our beloved:

Ivan Augustin Arndell 

Left to mourn this tremendous loss:


Nancy Arndell


Jason Arndell


Reinita Arndell St Jago & family


Raymond Arndell & family
Ricardo William & family
Fernando William & family


Nathaniel Collins
Nathalia Collins

Best friend:

George Cranston

Members and ex-members of Aruba Golf Club

He was related to:

Barry, Brown, William, Viotty, Arndell, St Jago,

Richardson, Gomez, Geerman, Jowett, Violinus & Collins

Hereby would like to invite all friends and relatives to join us as we say farewell

on Thursday October 13th, 2022, from 2pm until 4pm at the Pray Funeral Home

in San Nicolaas and then he will be laid to rest at the Central cemetery in Sabana Basora.

We apologize if we forgot to mention any family or friends in our time of bereavement.