Herman A. Lovell

Herman A. Lovell

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:

he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of

righteousness for his name’s sake.Yea, though I walk through

 the valley of the shadow of death,

 I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;

thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Psalm 23 

With deep sorrow we announce

the passing away of our beloved Father,

Grandfather, Great Grandfather

and Great Great Grandfather.

Herman A. Lovell

Better known as Daddy 

Left to mourn his loss are his: 

His beloved wife:  

† Violet Lovell Sprott 

His Children:

Frederick Lovell & Rubia Bernabela and Family

Kennedy Lovell & Edith Lovell-Ramou and Family

Cheryl Lovell & Rob Johnson

Glenford Lovell & Mercedes Lovell-Rumnit and Family

Elvis Lovell

Minerva Priest-Lovell & Cyrill Priest and Family

Jacqueline Pas-Lovell & Nelson Pas and Family 

Like Daughter:

Eunice (Nisha) Wieske and Family 

His Grandchildren:

Lisette Helmijr-Kock, Jay Lovell, Charytin Kock, Lateef Lovell,

Janirra Kock, Kerry Lovell, Janico Lovell, Keshia Lovell,

Kimberley Violenus-Priest, Jeanella Pas, Kendra Priest, Kristina Priest   

Great - Grandchildren:

Edylienne, Charlene, Jayvaughn, Cangely, Jaydtienne, Elyxienne, Ay’celine, Ceanna, Caleb, Kal-el, Christer 

Great - Great - Grandchild:

Lyxienne Solognier 

His dearest ex-colleagues from CMB 

Special thank you to Amada60+ Care Services 

Related Family:

Lovell, Sprott, Canwood, Woodley, Young, Simons, Singh,

Every, Pas, Bernabela, Ramou, Rumnit, Priest, Kock, Martina,

Helmijr, Tearr, Brown, Rogers, Sille, Tromp, Saladin,

Violenus, van Putten, Johnson, Solognier. 

Family in Aruba, Curacao, St. Eustatius, St. Maartin and Holland 

Opportunity for condolences will be held on Saturday October 21st, 2023,

at Aurora Funeral Home from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 

The funeral service will take place on Monday October 23rd, 2023,

at Aurora Funeral Home from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and

from there to the central burial ground at Sabana Basora.