Colin David Daly

Colin David Daly

The LORD is my shepherd;

I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:

he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul:

he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness

for his name's sake.         

Psalm 23;1-3 

With deep sorrow we announce

the passing of our beloved brother,

uncle, cousin, nephew and friend: 

Colin David Daly

Sunrise: June 22nd ,1961

Sunset: October 12th ,2023 

Left to mourn are his


†Bennett Daly


†Maria Angela Fraser


John and Terreas Fraser-Courtar and family

Glen Fraser and family

Michael and Marcia Fraser and family

Frankie and Cheryl Stewart and family

†Cherry and Francis Regis and family

Lindley Daly Robertson and family

Ingrid Daly and family

Claudius Daly and family 


Mrs. Doris Campbell

Aunts and Uncles:

Mildred DeCoteau

Margaret Fraser

Wilfred Fraser 


Leslie DeCoteau, Donna DeCoteau, Pamela DeCoteau,

Rachael Cato and family & many others too many to mention in

Trinidad, Grenada, USA, Holland, England and Canada.

Nieces and Nephews:

Jermaine Fraser, Curtis Fraser, Talisa Cijntje, Justin Cijntje,

Peter Robertson, Max Robertson, Nicole Regis-Carr, Shane Regis,

Dawn Fraser, Karla Fraser-Lucas, Candice Fraser-Mullings,

Devon Stewart, Corey Dufeal, Reneasha Boodramsingh-Stewart.

Good friends & Neighbors:

Althea Gario, Patsy Maxwell, Sibyl Henriquez, Ms Gladys.


Daly, Fraser, Cijntje, Robertson, Stewart, DeCoteau, Regis, David, Courtar,

Bruyning, Lewis, Henriquez, Dufeal, Matthew, v/d Seijp-Warner and Querero.

We apologize if in our grief, we may have omitted any relatives or close friends.

Condolences will be held on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 at

Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium from 7 to 9 pm.

Funeral Services will take place on Wednesday October 18th, 2023

at Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium from 2 to 4 pm.

The Service will begin at 3:00 pm. 

Following the Funeral Services, the Cremation will take place in a private family setting.

We apologize that after the funeral services and cremation, there will be no condolences accepted at home.

Thank you for your understanding.

Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend 

their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family.